Anna Terrón presents the report made by Instrategies at the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions organized in Patras (Greece) 2018
Thursday, 8 March, 2018

Anna Terrón presented on 8 March in Patras (Greece) the report "Migration and Asylum in EU Regions: Towards a multilevel governance approach ", commissioned by the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) to Instrategies. During his talk, Terrón put in value the key role that occupy the regions in the promotion and implementation of social policies for employment, reception and integration, ensuring that the global approach to migration requires a multi-level governance to recognize the regions as important actors in the management of diversity and in the creation of spaces of integration within the EU. Then, the paper was approved and adopted by the CPMR.

You can consult the document approved at the following link: